Postage Meters
We specialize in Pitney Bowes High Volume Digital Postage Meter Systems.
Pitney Bowes DM Infinity Series
The Pitney Bowes DM Infinity Series Meter bases have dual print heads and ink cartridges that allows for non-stop production. Based on model, the DM Infinity can process up to 22,000 pieces per hour on single and mixed weight mail on a single meter. With a removable user interface control, refills no longer require direct phone line connections.
The Pitney Bowes DM Infinity Series Meter bases have dual print heads and ink cartridges that allows for non-stop production. Based on model, the DM Infinity can process up to 22,000 pieces per hour on single and mixed weight mail on a single meter. With a removable user interface control, refills no longer require direct phone line connections.
Postage Meter Listings
This is a listing of the Postage Meters that are available at this time.
Pitney Bowes DM Infinity Series Meter Base, Model R-750
- Digital InkJet Meter Base- 16000 pph on single weight mail pieces
- Multiple units available
- Low counts, under maintenance contract, only 4 years in operation
- Refurbished
- Listing 229
For Picture(s) of this listing Please go to PB Infinity R-750 Meter Base
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