Privacy Statement
To address the concerns of customer's privacy, Advanced Systems has assembled this
easy access list of information concerning this matter.
Advanced Systems takes the matter of personal and company privacy extremely serious.
We agree with the concept that all people and businesses should enjoy the right to privacy.
We agree with the concept that all people and businesses should enjoy the right to privacy.
The cookies (Temporary Internet Files) produced by this site, in no way, track or influence
the surfing or shopping habits of our visitors. Our cookies are placed for Customer Relation Management purposes
only. To ensure that our customers can efficiently browse our site, we record visitors' entry page, the number
of and the pages in which they browse, which search engine referred them (If any), the links used to browse
within our site, which external links on our site are used, browser type, resolution, Java capabilities, and
internet service provider. With this information, we can continue to better our site and its navigation, populate
the site with content viewable by more browsers, and display that content in a readable manner.
These cookies can be removed at any time by most third party security software, or removed by navigating to the "temporary internet files" folder of your computer and selecting delete.
These cookies can be removed at any time by most third party security software, or removed by navigating to the "temporary internet files" folder of your computer and selecting delete.
Email Addressing:
Advanced Systems has a strict "NO SPAM" policy. Email addresses, acquired from any source,
are never sold, rented, or distributed in any manner to any outside entity. When an email is provided,
whether it be in a request form, an email to us, a postal letter to us, fax, or any other means possible;
this address is ONLY used to respond to the specific inquiry.
Email Newsletter:
Our monthly newsletter is sent to subscribers to notify the subscriber of new listings and
any present special sale information that may be available. This newsletter is by subscription ONLY. You must
subscribe to receive this information. The newsletter is distributed monthly and is free of charge to subscribers.
An unsubscribe link is available at the bottom of every edition of the newsletter.
Fax Numbers:
Fax numbers acquired from any source are never sold, rented, or distributed in any manner, to
any outside entity. When an fax number is provided, whether it be in a request form, an email to us, a postal
letter to us, fax, or any other means possible; this number is ONLY used to respond to the specific inquiry.
A Quarterly Fax Newsletter is provided by Advanced Systems to past customers and subscribers. This newsletter is by subscription ONLY. You must subscribe to receive this information. The newsletter is distributed quarterly and is free of charge to subscribers. Unsubscribe information is available at the bottom of every edition of the newsletter.
A Quarterly Fax Newsletter is provided by Advanced Systems to past customers and subscribers. This newsletter is by subscription ONLY. You must subscribe to receive this information. The newsletter is distributed quarterly and is free of charge to subscribers. Unsubscribe information is available at the bottom of every edition of the newsletter.
Telephone Numbers:
Telephone Numbers, acquired from any source, are never sold, rented, or distributed in any manner
to any outside entity. When an phone number is provided, whether it be in a request form, an email to us, a postal
letter to us, fax, or any other means possible; this number is ONLY used to respond to the specific inquiry.
Postal Addresses:
Postal addresses, acquired from any source, are never sold, rented, or distributed in any
manner to any outside entity. When an postal address (Business or Home) is provided,
whether it be in a request form, an email to us, a postal letter to us, fax, or any other
means possible; this address is ONLY used to respond to the specific inquiry.
Invoicing and sales receipts may be provided by postal mail. Advanced System Sends no
advertising material or media by means of postal mail.
Note: Even though we foresee no amendments in the near future, the Advanced Systems' Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. All changes will be added to the bottom of this page and printed in red text. Please check this page periodically. Upon amending the Privacy Policy, Advanced Systems will notify all parties via their respective media.
Note: Even though we foresee no amendments in the near future, the Advanced Systems' Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. All changes will be added to the bottom of this page and printed in red text. Please check this page periodically. Upon amending the Privacy Policy, Advanced Systems will notify all parties via their respective media.
For all other questions about our privacy policy, please contact Ken Swepston at: